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Static Steel Caps
Target Cap:
Fits on top of a 2x4 and securely fastens target.
Price - $15.00
Constructed of 2x4 steel tubing MIG welded to 1/4" folding legs. The legs have [4] 1/2" holes to secure the base to the ground.
Folds and lays flat for easy storage and transport. Recommended for recreational shooters. ​
Folds and stacks easily
Sets up in seconds
Requires minimal storage space
Secures to ground with spikes
Easily repaired if it is shot
Price - $52.50
Light Duty Folding Bases
Heavy Duty H-Bases
Constructed of 2x4 steel tubing MIG welded to 1.5" square tubing. The legs have [4] 1/2" holes to secure base to the ground. Recommended for clubs and Law Enforcement Agencies
Price - $75.00
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